End of Lease Cleaners in Canberra

End of Lease Cleaning with Bond Back Guarantee in Canberra

Big or small, we take pride in all our jobs. For your added peace of mind, we offer Bond Back Guarantee when you choose us. We are confident that your real estate agent, property manager or landlord will happily accept our cleaning. Otherwise, just let us know and within 72 hours, our exit cleaners will return and rectify all cleaning-related issues at no additional cost to you. Subject to T/C.

Our End Of Lease Cleaning Package Includes:


General (All Rooms)

  1. Vacuuming
  2. Hard Floor Mooping
  3. Cobwebs removal (internal only)
  4. Light switches/Power points cleaning
  5. Doors spot cleaning
  6. Skirting boards wiping
  7. Air conditioner wiping and filter cleaning (split system, not ducted system
  8. Ceiling Fans Dusted and Wiped.
  9. Wall marks(spot cleaning)


  1. Sink sanitizing and polishing
  2. Cupboards wiping inside and out
  3. Bench top cleaned
  4. Range Hood exterior an d filters cleaned
  5. Stove cleaning
  6. Dishwasher exterior

Oven Cleaning

  1. Oven cleaned using proper oven cleaner
  2. Internal clean of oven/grill including glass
  3. All grass/drime is removed 
  4. Wipe down and clean on front of clean.


  1. Vanity cleaned inside and out
  2. Shower/Bath cleaned including tiles and screens
  3. Drawers and cabinets cleaned in and out
  4. Toilet cleaned
  5. Mold removal (ceiling mold not included)
  6. Exhaust fan cleaned exterior
  7. Mirrors and glass surfaces Cleaned
  8. Clean, vacuum, and mop floors
  9. Clean and dry buff sinks & taps
  10. Clean high touch point areas (door handles/light switches)



  1. Clean cupboards & wardrobes
  2. Clean glass surfaces & mirrors
  3. Dust light fittings
  4. Clean tracks of all window frames (inside only)


  1. Clean down and wipe all bench-top surfaces
  2. Clean and dry buff sinks & taps
  3. Clean, vacuum, and mop floor
  4. Dust light fittings


  1. Sweeping
  2. Cobwebs removal


Get Your Place Cleaned and Healthy

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Service Areas

Luctus nec ullamcorper mattis, pulvinar dapibus leo.


Excepturi ex Delectus autem Ex vel corporis quis Risus excepturi Amet maec!

Los Angeles

Excepturi ex Delectus autem Ex vel corporis quis Risus excepturi Amet maec!

San Jose

Excepturi ex Delectus autem Ex vel corporis quis Risus excepturi Amet maec!


Excepturi ex Delectus autem Ex vel corporis quis Risus excepturi Amet maec!

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Frequently Asked Questions

An end of lease cleaning typically includes a thorough cleaning of the entire property, including the bathrooms, kitchen, floors, walls, and windows. This may also include carpet cleaning and steam cleaning, if applicable.

The time it takes to complete end of lease cleaning can vary depending on the size of the property and the level of cleaning required. On average, end of lease cleaning can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours or more.

If your landlord is not satisfied with the end of lease cleaning, they may withhold part or all of your security deposit to cover the cost of cleaning. That’s why we provide a 100% Bond Back Guarantee for 72 hours, which means we will provide a reclean for free if your landlord is not satisfied with the cleaning.

You do not necessarily need to be present during end of lease cleaning, but if you chose to, you can be there at the beginning and end of the cleaning to ensure that everything is completed to your satisfaction.

Most landlords require professional carpet cleaning as part of end of lease cleaning, but this may vary in some cases, depending on the lease agreement. It is important to check the lease agreement and discuss any requirements with the landlord.

Not at all. Our cleaners carry all the cleaning supplies and equipment. However, if you wish for certain cleaning agents to be used for cleaning (like, if the house is on the septic system), you need to provide this information beforehand.

It is recommended to book an end of lease cleaning service at least two weeks in advance to ensure that you get a reliable and experienced cleaning company and to allow time for any necessary preparations. However, we can provide EOL cleaning service on an urgent notice as well, even on Sundays and Public Holidays.

It is not necessary to clean the property before the end of lease cleaning service arrives, but it is recommended to clear out any personal belongings and clutter to ensure that the cleaners have easy access to all areas of the property.

Key pickup service is not included in the end of lease cleaning service. It is an additional service that we offer for an extra fee. However, if the location of the property is nearby the location for Key pickup, we may do it for free.

Using a key pickup service saves you time and hassle, as you do not need to arrange to collect and return the keys yourself. It also ensures that the cleaning company has easy access to the property, allowing them to complete the cleaning quickly and efficiently.

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Contact Us

Best Local Cleaners understands their customers’ requirements, needs, and expectations. 


1300 280 576


Now operating in ACT and VIC

* * Exclusive Offer Just for You: * *

 Present your current cleaning contract or invoice, and we’ll slash up to 10% off your existing rate. If we can’t meet this promise, you’re not left empty-handed, enjoy a $250 gift card on us!* It’s our way of ensuring you come out on top, no matter what.

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Complimentary Trial Cleaning: Experience our unparalleled service firsthand with a free trial. Get a week’s worth of cleaning, up to 6 hours, tailored specifically to your needs – Absolutely Free.