End of Lease Cleaning Canberra

Canberra End of Lease Cleaning


End of Lease Cleaning Services Canberra

Are you in need of end-of-lease cleaning services in Canberra? Look no further! At Best Local Cleaners, we are dedicated to providing you with a hassle-free and exceptional cleaning experience.

Our specialized End Of Lease Cleaning comes with a Bond Back Guarantee that lasts for 72 hours. In the event that your agent or landlord identifies any concerns with the completed cleaning, we will gladly return at no additional cost to re-clean. Please note that certain Terms and Conditions apply.

Our team of professionals offers a wide range of comprehensive cleaning services, ensuring that your rented property is left in impeccable condition. Choose us as your premier choice for all your cleaning needs.

Expert End of Lease, Bond, Vocate, and Lease End Cleaning Services

The terms end of lease cleaning, bond cleaning, vacate cleaning, and lease end cleaning all refer to one service, ensuring your rental property is left in impeccable condition when you vacate. At Best Local Cleaners, we provide expert cleaning services tailored to your needs, irrespective of the term you use to describe them. Our team will meticulously clean your house leaving it in a sparkling condition. We provide a comprehensive package that includes an array of cleaning services.

End of Lease Cleaning Services Canberra, ACT

Our teams will meticulously clean every corner of your house to achieve a pristine finish. We provide top-rated professional cleaners for your Bond clean, equipped with all necessary products and equipment. We offer a comprehensive End of Lease Clean package that includes a wide range of cleaning services to cater to all your needs. Here’s what our package includes: https://www.high-endrolex.com/13

General (All Rooms)

  1. Vacuuming
  2. Hard Floor Mooping
  3. Cobwebs removal (internal only)
  4. Light switches/Power points cleaning
  5. Doors spot cleaning
  6. Skirting boards wiping
  7. Air conditioner wiping and filter cleaning (split system, not ducted system
  8. Ceiling Fans Dusted and Wiped.
  9. Wall marks(spot cleaning)
diy-checklist-for end of lease cleaning in 2023


  1. Sink sanitizing and polishing
  2. Cupboards wiping inside and out
  3. Bench top cleaned
  4. Range Hood exterior an d filters cleaned
  5. Stove cleaning
  6. Dishwasher exterior

Oven Cleaning

  1. Oven cleaned using proper oven cleaner
  2. Internal clean of oven/grill including glass
  3. All grass/drime is removed 
  4. Wipe down and clean on front of clean.


  1. Vanity cleaned inside and out
  2. Shower/Bath cleaned including tiles and screens
  3. Drawers and cabinets cleaned in and out
  4. Toilet cleaned
  5. Mold removal (ceiling mold not included)
  6. Exhaust fan cleaned exterior
  7. Mirrors and glass surfaces Cleaned
  8. Clean, vacuum, and mop floors
  9. Clean and dry buff sinks & taps
  10. Clean high touch point areas (door handles/light switches)



  1. Clean cupboards & wardrobes
  2. Clean glass surfaces & mirrors
  3. Dust light fittings
  4. Clean tracks of all window frames (inside only)


  1. Clean down and wipe all bench-top surfaces
  2. Clean and dry buff sinks & taps
  3. Clean, vacuum, and mop floor
  4. Dust light fittings


  1. Sweeping
  2. Cobwebs removal

Lease end cleaning

Lease End Cleaning

Additional Cleaning services available to suit your needs

Our Lease End Cleaning packages are comprehensive and designed to cater to a wide range of cleaning needs for a smooth move-out process. However, to maintain flexibility and fairness in our pricing, there are certain specialized cleaning tasks not included in the standard package. These are services that not every home requires but can be added to your cleaning service at a small additional cost.

Lease End Cleaning - Additional ServicesDescription
BalconySweep and Mop
Blind CleaningWipe down, dusting and general blind cleaning
Carpet Steam CleaningProfessional steam clean of carpet and other items where applicable
External Window WashingWipe down of glass surface and cobweb removal around accessible areas (up to 3 step ladder)
Floor Tiles Grout CleaningFloor tiles grout cleaning
FridgeWipe down of outside and internal accessible surface (must be empty)
Garage Clean UpWipe down, dust and sweeping of all accessible areas, mop
Wall WashWipe down and dusting of walls (Charge per room)

Why Choose Our End Of Lease Cleaning Services?


Lease End Cleaning with Bond Back Guarantee

Big or small, we take pride in all our jobs. For your added peace of mind, we offer Bond Back Guarantee when you choose us. We are confident that your real estate agent, property manager or landlord will happily accept our cleaning. Otherwise, just let us know and within 72 hours, our exit cleaners will return and rectify all cleaning-related issues at no additional cost to you. Subject to T/C.

We’ve done Bond clean hundreds of times over, we regularly work with management companies and landlords across  Canberra to find out exactly what they want when it comes to end of lease cleaning. Our fully trained professional cleaners will ensure your home is left spotless . All our cleaners are fully insured, police-checked, and trained to provide the best cleaning service at an affordable prices in Canberra. 

Discover Unbeatable End of Lease Cleaning Solutions Throughout Canberra!

How Much Does Bond Cleaning Cost?

The cost varies from State to State, You can use our Quick and Easy Online Quote Calculator:

  • Estimate the cost of your lease end cleaning
  • Adjust the options based on your property’s size and condition
  • Add carpet steam cleaning if needed 

 The calculator displays the total cost of the cleaning service based on the selected options. The calculator is easy to use and provides an estimate for the cost of an Bond cleaning service in seconds.



End of Lease Cleaning
End of Lease Calculator

End of Lease Calculator

Number of Bedrooms:
Number of Bathrooms/Ensuites:
Number of Living Rooms/Dining Rooms/Lounges/Family Rooms:
Carpet Steam Cleaning? (No of Room(s):
Condition of House:

Ready to book your end-of-lease cleaning? Need cleaning done on short notice, You’re just two clicks away! simply click the “Booking” button for your City to schedule your cleaning service.

Why Is Lease End Cleaning Important?

There are several reasons why it is important to carry out a thorough lease exit clean before handing the property back to the landlord or property manager.

Get your bond back: One of the primary reasons for end of lease cleaning is to ensure that you get your bond back in full. Bond is a security deposit that is paid at the start of the tenancy and is usually equivalent to four weeks’ rent. The bond is held by the landlord or property manager to cover any damage or cleaning costs incurred during the tenancy. If the property is not left in a clean and tidy condition, the landlord or property manager may withhold part or all of the bond to cover the cleaning costs. A thorough vacate clean will help ensure that you get your bond back in full.

Maintain Good Relationship: Another reason why bond cleaning is important is to maintain a good relationship with the landlord or property manager. A clean and tidy property is not only a legal requirement but also a matter of courtesy to the landlord or property manager. By ensuring that the property is left in a good condition, you will show that you are a responsible tenant and may even improve your chances of getting a good reference for your next rental property.

Meet legal obligations: Bond cleaning is also a legal requirement in Australia. Under the Residential Tenancies Act, tenants are required to leave the property in a reasonably clean condition. If the property is not left in a clean and tidy condition, the landlord or property manager may take legal action against you to recover the cleaning costs.

Ensure Health and Safety: A clean and hygienic property is also important for health and safety reasons. A dirty and unhygienic property can harbour bacteria, mould, and other harmful contaminants that can pose a risk to your health and that of future tenants. Lease End cleaning ensures that the property is thoroughly cleaned and sanitised, leaving it safe and healthy for the next tenant to move in.

In conclusion, bond cleaning is an essential part of moving out of a rental property in Australia. It not only ensures that you get your bond back but also helps maintain a good relationship with the landlord or property manager, meets legal obligations, and ensures health and safety for all parties involved.

If you leave the property as it is, the cost of cleaning will come out of your bond, and this is often more expensive than if you take care of the necessary cleaning before handing the keys back. It is advisable to do a meticulous cleaning of the property to leave it the way it was before leasing. In some cases, one is required to hire professionals. As per your tenancy agreement, the end of lease cleaning needs to be up to professional standards to get your bond back. 

Don’t stress about end-of-lease cleaning in Canberra – leave it to the professionals at Best Local Cleaners! With our experienced team, transparent pricing, and 72-hour bond back guarantee, you can be confident that you’re in good hands. Contact us today for a no-obligation quote and experience the difference with Best Local Cleaners!

So why not make your move even easier by booking our End of Lease and Moving services together? Save time, money, and hassle – all with one simple booking

End of Lease with Bond Back Guarantee*

Frequently Asked Questions

 Below are some of the common Frequently asked questions related to the Carpet Cleaning. If you cannot find an answer to your question, Please visit our FAQ Page or Please reach us at [email protected] if you cannot find an answer to your question.

Frequently Asked Questions

A lease end cleaning typically includes a thorough cleaning of the entire property, including the bathrooms, kitchen, floors, walls, and windows. This may also include carpet cleaning and steam cleaning, if applicable.

The time it takes to complete end of lease cleaning can vary depending on the size of the property and the level of cleaning required. On average, end of lease cleaning can take anywhere from 4 to 8 hours or more.

If your landlord is not satisfied with the end of lease cleaning, they may withhold part or all of your security deposit to cover the cost of cleaning. That’s why we provide a 100% Bond Back Guarantee for 72 hours, which means we will provide a reclean for free if your landlord is not satisfied with the cleaning.

You do not necessarily need to be present during cleaning, but if you chose to, you can be there at the beginning and end of the cleaning to ensure that everything is completed to your satisfaction.

Most landlords require professional carpet cleaning as part of end of lease, but this may vary in some cases, depending on the lease agreement. It is important to check the lease agreement and discuss any requirements with the landlord.

Not at all. Our cleaners carry all the cleaning supplies and equipment. However, if you wish for certain cleaning agents to be used for cleaning (like, if the house is on the septic system), you need to provide this information beforehand.

It is recommended to book an end of lease cleaning service at least two weeks in advance to ensure that you get a reliable and experienced cleaning company and to allow time for any necessary preparations. However, we can provide EOL cleaning service on an urgent notice as well, even on Sundays and Public Holidays.

It is not necessary to clean the property before the end of lease cleaning service arrives, but it is recommended to clear out any personal belongings and clutter to ensure that the cleaners have easy access to all areas of the property.

Key pickup service is not included in the lease cleaning service. It is an additional service that we offer for an extra fee. However, if the location of the property is nearby the location for Key pickup, we may do it for free.

Using a key pickup service saves you time and hassle, as you do not need to arrange to collect and return the keys yourself. It also ensures that the cleaning company has easy access to the property, allowing them to complete the cleaning quickly and efficiently.

Whar Our Clients Say


Don’t just take our word for it; our satisfied clients speak volumes about our commitment to quality and customer satisfaction. Harry and his team have been praised for their professionalism and flexibility, and our clients are always impressed by the high standard of our cleaning services.

Please contact us today for a FREE quote on any cleaning service.

We look forward to hearing from you! Call Best Local Cleaners 1300 280 576 or submit your inquiry online via our quick contact form. One of our consultants will be in touch within a few hours.

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Best Local Cleaners understands their customers’ requirements, needs, and expectations. 


1300 280 576


Now operating in ACT and VIC

* * Exclusive Offer Just for You: * *

 Present your current cleaning contract or invoice, and we’ll slash up to 10% off your existing rate. If we can’t meet this promise, you’re not left empty-handed, enjoy a $250 gift card on us!* It’s our way of ensuring you come out on top, no matter what.

Free Trial for Strata/Office Cleans!

Complimentary Trial Cleaning: Experience our unparalleled service firsthand with a free trial. Get a week’s worth of cleaning, up to 6 hours, tailored specifically to your needs – Absolutely Free.